The artist we decided to choose is Chris Burden. The title of the artwork is called shoot and it was created in 1971. My first impression of this artwork was why there is a gun in this image and why one of the guy is pointing the gun to the other. In this image I see a white wall that looks like a small room and the subject holding a rifle and aiming at the other subject.
Variety or contrast is used in the artwork because the clothing, wall and floors in this image create a cool and warm looking image and the wall and the subjects shirt in this image show a cool contrast while the pants and floor show a dark and warm contrast. The artist of this piece of artwork from what I see decided to choose a small room. One thing that grabs my attention is the rifle being held.
From my perspective the theme of this artwork is based on violence or abuse since one man has a rifle pointed to the other man and the artists’ view of this world is probably about about cruelty and greed.
Chris Burden created this art work because his intent was to relate to the Vietnam War and the American rights to bear arms. Now that I know the Burden’s original intent my feeling and thoughts have changed because to me its not just about violence and abuse but also about Americans wanting rights to bear arms. From this artwork I learnt that not all images u see is portrayed the way you or someone else might think.